Hester: Hestier in Greek mythology, Zeus’s sister, a woman of beauty
hestier (hasty)
Prynne: prurient
prune: purify her sin
pry: probe into the interior of one’s heart
Arthur Dimmesdale
Arthur: Adam, adultery
Dimmesdale: dim + dale: dim interior (to hide one’s sin )
Roger Chillingworth
Roger: rogue (revenge)
Chillingworth: chilly (cruel, inhumane)
+ worth (induce Arthur to speak out his own sin)
Pearl: good, pure and precious
Scarlet: Definition
Function: adjective
1 of the color scarlet
2 a : grossly and glaringly offensive
Function: noun
Middle English scarlat, scarlet, from Anglo-French escarlet, from Medieval Latin scarlata, from Persian saqalAt, a kind of rich cloth
1 : scarlet cloth or clothes
2 : any of various bright reds
Main Entry: scarlet letter
Function: noun: a scarlet A worn as a punitive mark of adultery